Speech to text conversion website, which will help you a lot and save lots of time. If you are a blogger, and you don't want to type your story because of it is very long, and you have very less time to type your story on your computer then these websites will help you a lot to write your story on your text file without using keyboard you don't need to type every word to write on your computer. This website does your work itself you just need to speak your story in mic. When you speak in your mic in the real-time each word will be writing on your text page on the computer but you must have an internet connection because it will work through the Internet.
Here is the list of three websites that will help to save your time while writing any story or post. is a very useful website for speech to text convertor this will help you to write your story in any language. You don't need to do any sign up on this website. This website has a vast collection of worldwide languages there are almost 130+ different languages ( like English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati, Tamil, etc.) available for you. Here you can choose any languages to write your post. If you don't want to type your post through keyboard and save some time then use this amazing website which helps you to type your post, story, or any other text content for you. Open the "Speech Texter" website and click on the start button and then speak in your mic you can speak whatever language you want after choose your language and then you will see every speech into a text form on your page after that copy your all text from here save it in a safe place. is another website that looks like your notebook it's very interesting. It is very easy to use if you are a blogger and you don't want to waste your time typing your story or post then these websites will be very helpful for you. If you want to write your post for your website without using a keyboard then this website helps you a lot. There is a lot of different languages are available like English, Hindi, Marathi, etc. and here all worldwide speaking languages option are available. It is very easy to use and fast way to convert your speech into text. If you want to record your speech you just have to click on the start button and then all your voice turns into text. Dictation uses Google speech recognition to transcript your spoken words into text words. Every text data stored in your browser locally and it does not upload your data on its server. is another alternative to the above websites. This is very useful if you are looking for such a website that helps you to convert your speech into the text and there are also a lot of different languages (like English, Hindi, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, German) options available here. If you want to type without using the keyboard then click on the Mic symbol and speak whatever you want to convert into text.
After you set out the recorder or transcription app and capture the video you want to convert into text, it’s a pretty painless process. In my opinion, transcribear is the best software to convert video to text.